“The Extraordinary” is a movie about a teenage boy with a skull and face disorder that is present on his face from birth. He has always been out of the community, but now he is in his fifth year of elementary education, his parents decide to send him to school.
Each part of the movie is about one of the characters in the movie; An important part of it is about Aggie’s relationship with the people around him.
The narrative of the movie moves forward with the constant change of the main character of the story, which begins with a story about a boy in trouble, but turns into the movie about society.
The director of this movie, Steven Shabasky, seems to be trying to conceive and process the idea that no human being is ordinary, and even in situations where it seems that a physical defect can hinder one’s personal and social development, having a supportive and empathetic family. In addition to creating a platform for learning and teaching, it will lead to his prosperity in various fields.
The film is adapted from the novel with the same name, and many critics believe that Shabaski was able to show the feelings and emotions of each of the movie’s characters well instead of showing a picture of sad and anxious families. The presence of a child with a physical disability incidentally shows the excitement of the adventurous Agia and Leah with big dreams.
‘The Pooyesh child friendly Association’ intends to continue its series of virtual film and documentary analysis sessions on the issue about schools and teachers, which are the differences between students at school. It is clear that these differences include national, gender, physical and … .It is clear that the insights and interactions of teachers and those involved in school work with each of these differences, shape the mentality of teachers and members of tomorrow’s society. In order to achieve this important goal, we invited the expert of this field, Mr. Amin Afraz, a psychologist and film analyst, to join us in movie analysis sessions this time, and to help us recognize this difference and the desired form of encounter according to the “The Extraordinary” movie.
We are proud to invite you to participate in this discussion and share your views that perhaps our decisions today will be a bridge to better and more effective communication between the school and tomorrow’s students.
Author: Hanieh Sharifi